The 2024 Paris Olympics are quickly approaching, capturing the attention of the entire world towards the French capital. Whether you are there to witness these historical events in person or follow them from home, mastering the French vocabulary related to the Olympics is essential to fully enjoy them. Today, we will explore the necessary lexicon to fully experience the Paris 2024 Olympic Games!

  1. Why is it crucial to know the specific vocabulary related to the Olympics for an enriching experience of this global event?

  2. How can learning this vocabulary improve your understanding of the discussions and events surrounding the Olympics?

  3. What concrete examples illustrate the importance of understanding certain terms for smooth and precise communication during the Olympics?

  4. How does the vocabulary of the Olympics reflect the cultural and regional particularities of France?

  5. What are the best strategies for effectively learning and retaining this vocabulary to fully participate in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games experience?


Les Jeux Olympiques (the Olympics) - /le ʒø ɔ.lɛ̃.pi.k/

Definition: A major international sporting event that brings together athletes from many countries.


Un(e) athlète (an athlete) - /œ̃n at.lɛt/

Definition: A person who practices a sport at a competitive level.


Une compétition (a competition) - /yn kɔ̃.pe.ti.sjɔ̃/

Definition: An event where individuals or teams compete to determine the best in a sport.


Une épreuve (an event) - /yn e.pʁœv/

Definition: A test or activity in a sport that must be completed to win points or medals during a competition.


Une médaille (a medal) - /yn me.daj/

Definition: An award given to athletes who rank among the top in their event.

Medals can be:

  • Or (Gold) - /ɔʁ/
  • Argent (Silver) - /aʁ.ʒɑ̃/
  • Bronze - /bʁɔ̃z/


La cérémonie d'ouverture (the Opening Ceremony) - /la se.ʁe.mɔ.ni du.vɛʁ.tyʁ/

Definition: A solemn event marking the start of the Olympic Games.


Un billet (a ticket) - /bi.jɛ/

Definition: A document allowing entry to a sporting or cultural event.


Un drapeau (a flag) - /dʁa.po/

Definition: A national symbol representing each country participating in the Olympic Games.


La flamme olympique (the Olympic Flame) - /la flam ɔ.lɛ̃.pik/

Definition: A symbol of the Olympic Games, lit during the opening ceremony and extinguished during the closing ceremony.


Le village olympique (the Olympic Village) - /lə vi.laʒ ɔ.lɛ̃.pik/

Definition: Temporary accommodations for athletes during the Olympic Games.


Un(e) bénévole (a volunteer) - /ɔl/

Definition: A person who voluntarily offers their time and help during the Olympic Games.


La mascotte des Jeux Olympiques (the Olympic mascot) - /la mas.kɔt dez‿ʒø ɔ.lɛ̃.pi.k/

Definition: A symbolic character specially created to represent and promote the Olympic Games.


La zone de fan (the Fan Zone) - /la zɔn də fɑ̃/

Definition: A space set up around the Olympic sites where fans can gather to watch the events on large screens.



Now, let's look at the different disciplines, the various sports that will be present at the Olympic Games:

La natation (Swimming) - /la na.ta.sjɔ̃/


L'athlétisme (Athletics) - /la a.tle.tism/


Le football (Football or Soccer in the USA) - /lə futbol/


Le basketball (Basketball) - /lə bas.kɛt.bɔl/


Le tennis de table (Table Tennis) - /lə tɛ.nis də taʒ/


La gymnastique artistique (Artistic Gymnastics) - /la ʒ aʁ.tis.tik/


Le cyclisme (Cycling) - /lə si.klis'm/


La boxe (Boxing) - /la bɔks/


L'escrime (Fencing) - /lɛs.kʁim/


Le judo (Judo) - /lə ʒ



Now, let's review the useful vocabulary to make your stay in Paris during the Olympic Games go smoothly.

La station de métro (Metro station) - /la sta.sjɔ̃ də me.tʁo/

Definition: A place where passengers get on and off the subway


Le plan de métro (Metro map) - /lə plɑ̃ də me.tʁo/

Definition: A document graphically representing a city's subway network, showing the different lines, stations, and connections.


La navette (Shuttle) - /la na.vɛt/

Definition: A vehicle used to transport people between different locations regularly and frequently, often without intermediate stops.


La ligne de métro (Metro line) - /la liɲ də me.tʁo/

Definition: A specific route taken by subway trains, corresponding to a series of connected stations.


Le ticket de métro (Metro ticket) - /lə tikɛ də me.tʁo/

Definition: A document or travel pass allowing you to ride the metro trains for a specific duration or number of trips.


La restauration rapide (Fast food) - /la ʁɛs.ta.ʁa.sjɔ̃ ʁ

Definition: Food prepared quickly and available for sale in establishments such as stands, often intended to be consumed on site or taken away.


La buvette (Refreshment stand) - /la by.vɛt/

Definition: A place where you can buy drinks and sometimes light snacks, usually at public or sporting events.


Le bureau d'information (Information desk) - /lə byʁo dɛ̃.fɔʁ.ma.sjɔ̃/

Definition: A place where visitors can obtain information, advice, or assistance on available services, schedules, events, etc.


Le point de secours (First aid point) - /lə pwɛ̃ də sə.kuʁ/

Definition: A designated location where emergency medical aid can be provided to people needing medical assistance.


Le programme des événements (Event schedule) - /lə pʁɔ.ɡʁam dez‿ə.mɑ̃/

Definition: A detailed list of activities, competitions, shows, or other planned events for a given period.