The end of the year is a period of great consumption for the French. And yes, thanks to or because of the end of year celebrations, the French consume a lot more: decorations, food and gifts.

Moreover, recently, the Black Friday has appeared in France. This promotion day, which has now become more like a promotion week, seduces more and more French people.

Small problem in sight, with the war that broke out in Eastern Europe and the post Covid, inflation has pointed the tip of his nose.

Between inflation, Black Friday and Christmas: how do the French consume?

Recently, we can observe changes in the consumption habits of the French. Inflation has been there for a few months now, and we have to be careful. The French government even invites the French to be sober, especially to be energy sober. That is to say, to be careful with their heating consumption, for example.

As a result, sales of thermal clothing have exploded. Thermal clothing is clothing that is much warmer. And it is a perfect investment to keep without increasing the heating.

We can observe that the French are tightening their belts more. The shopping carts in the supermarkets are less full than a few years ago. Meat is replaced by cheaper alternatives or starchy foods.

French people with modest incomes prefer "private labels". Private labels are brands created by supermarkets, the products of these brands are less expensive than the big brands.

Concerning Christmas, one French person out of 3 will not spend anything at Christmas. Faced with inflation, we have to be careful and save money. The budget normally planned for Christmas may be reduced or even eliminated. French people's spending during Black Friday and Christmas is likely to decrease by 11.5%. A big loss for the merchants.

On the other hand, despite the tense economic situation, other French people will instead take advantage of Black Friday to prepare for Christmas and anticipate Christmas gifts.

Are you interested in talking about this topic in French? This week, we are going to talk about this topic.


Yes, in my French conversation group, we will talk this week about consumption (Black Friday, Christmas and consumption in general).

At Ohlala French Coffee, You will practice your French orally with other students, you will learn to hold conversations in French on various topics and you will receive corrections and feedback from the teacher on your vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.


Vocabulary :

Let's see, the vocabulary used in this podcast episode:

Les fêtes de fin d’année = holiday season

Un cadeau = a gift

Une promotion = a special offer

L’inflation = inflation

Pointer le bout de son nez = to show up

La sobriété = sobriety

Le chauffage = heating

Exploser (familier) = to shoot up

Un investissement = investment

Se serrer la ceinture (familier) = tighten your belt

Un chariot = a cart / a trolley

Coûteux(euse) = expensive

Un revenu modeste = low income

Plebisciter = to appreciate

Les marques de distributeurs = store brand

Une marque = a brand

Dépenser = to spend

Faire des économies = Saving money

Une perte = a loss

Un commerçant = storekeeper

Profiter de quelque chose = to enjoy