Learn the right vocabulary and use grammar correctly when you speak French!
« You study French a lot, but ... it is not enough ! »

You are always motivated to learn French!

You follow many French teacher Instagram accounts, you watch videos, you read, you follow the news, you listen to podcasts all in French, but ... it's not enough !

  • You lack specific and daily vocabulary!
  • You don't understand slang (especially verlan)!
  • You're not working on all skills, especially writing and speaking!
  • You're not satisfied with your French pronunciation and you would like to change that!
  • ...And what about making phone calls in French?
Improving your comprehension by listening to videos or podcasts is a good start, but it is not enough to really speak like a native.
In these contents, people often speak more slowly and use simple words. (For example, if you only use apps like Duolingo, which focus on basic vocabulary, you won't get very far… 🤷‍♀️)
What you really need is to learn French as it is spoken by natives.

You need to learn grammar in context to know how to use it in your conversations.

It is important to have a good understanding of the most useful grammatical structures and the vocabulary that you will actually use every day.
Additionally, working on your pronunciation with methods like shadowing, where you repeat after a native speaker, will help you speak more easily and confidently.
This will allow you to understand natives, even when they speak quickly, and to use expressions and words that French people use every day.
« Why do the French make everything so complicated? »
You can't manage to form sentences correctly because you're always missing that little word...
And because of these constant doubts, you often find yourself hesitating and getting stuck.

The problem is that no one explains to you why the grammar is like that or why you have to pronounce things a certain way...

Having a native and supportive French teacher by your side allows you to receive personalized feedback and improve both your speaking and writing skills.
You will be able to speak quickly, without hesitation and without making grammar mistakes.
Learn the right vocabulary and use grammar correctly when you speak (from A2 to C1 level). way!
  • Lessons focused on communication goals: learn the vocabulary and grammar you need to talk about a specific topic in French.
  • Pronunciation exercises to improve your fluency with the Shadowing method (you imitate a native speaker to talk like them 😉).
  • Improve all your skills (speaking, listening, writing, and reading) with a strong emphasis on speaking skills.
  • Learn at your own pace: lessons to follow independently, wherever and whenever you want.
  • Fun, interactive, and strategic digital tools to reinforce long-term memory.
  • Online platform accessible on computer, phone, or tablet with access to all lessons.
  • Monthly updates and regular additions of new lessons.
Receive personalized feedback on your French (grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) to progress quickly and effectively.
  • You record yourself (with your phone, computer, etc.) answering one or more questions.
  • You send your recording to your dedicated native teacher.
  • Within 72 hours, you receive complete feedback on your French: corrections of your grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation mistakes + tips to further improve your French.
  • You follow the teacher's advice and you improve!
Learn French at your own pace, but never alone!
The lessons are to be followed independently, but that doesn't mean you're on your own! A teacher is there to guide and correct you. You have the freedom to learn autonomously and at your own pace, while still enjoying the benefits of having a teacher by your side. No time pressure!
  • French lessons from levels A2 to C1
  • Pronunciation exercises (Shadowing method)
  • Interactive digital tools
  • Online platform and private member area
  • Updates and new lessons added
  • Access to the private Ohlala French Course community
Lessons + corrections
  • French lessons from levels A2 to C1
  • Pronunciation exercises (Shadowing method)
  • Interactive digital tools
  • Online platform and private member area
  • Updates and new lessons added
  • Access to the private Ohlala French Course community
  • Speaking exercises (related to lessons corrected by a certified teacher)
  • Teacher feedback to know what you need to improve
  • Track your progress
You probably know me from Instagram or my YouTube channel, where I regularly post educational content, followed by more than 400,000 subscribers and accumulating over 3.65 million views.
How did it all start?
Well, when I started teaching, I made a surprising discovery: most expats and tourists were learning an "old French" that French people never use.
So, when they arrived in France, they had trouble understanding the locals and being understood.
That's why I created an online school, Ohlala French Course, where I help intermediate and advanced learners speak real French, authentic French.
Today, with my school, I’ve already helped over a thousand students communicate more naturally and confidently with French people.
Like you, these French learners had a common goal: to speak natural French, be understood by native speakers, and understand them in return.
What my students are saying:
The Frenchothèque is NOT for you if:
  • You are a beginner in French
  • You are not independent in your learning
  • You want live private lessons
  • You want to speak French very quickly in just a few weeks.
  • You are not patient and consistent in your French learning.
The Frenchothèque is for you if:
  • You have at least an A2 level in French.
  • You want to solidify your grammar and enrich your vocabulary.
  • You're an expat or frequently travel to France and want to be able to have spontaneous conversations with natives.
  • You are ready to regularly work on your French: follow the lessons and send your speaking exercises.
Thanks to the Frenchothèque, you will:
  • Understand and make yourself understood by French speakers
  • Learn new vocabulary and, most importantly, remember it
  • Understand and use different language registers
  • Improve your pronunciation and speak more fluently
  • Know how to write well in French
  • Immerse yourself in French-speaking culture
  • Join an amazing community
– Satisfied or refunded within 14 days –
I am so confident in my program that once you access it, you have 14 days to try it, change your mind, and request a refund if you wish. No justification is needed.

I wanted to improve my French and I especially needed to get used to speaking and listening in French, but also to have grammar and vocabulary lessons. So Ohlala French Coffee is perfect for me! It has everything!

It's a complete course, there are grammar and vocabulary lessons, new written exercises every week and most importantly for me, a lot of enjoyment during the conversation every week.

It's a perfect immersion in French without going to France. The price for all of this together is unmatched and very affordable.

It's fantastic! The teacher always answers all doubts and questions in class or on the private Facebook group. This helps a lot in learning


I really like the French course from Ohlala French Course because I was able to start speaking in a short time.

The topics of the courses are always interesting and the atmosphere is conducive to speaking. Manon always helps you, she tries to understand you and you can always ask her questions. The material used for the courses is of very good quality.

In class, we work all aspects of the language: speaking, listening, reading, and grammar.

I am very happy to work with Manon, as I have achieved excellent results in a short time!

United States

I decided to join Ohlala French Coffee for the opportunity to practice 3-4 times a week.

The quality and friendliness of the students are really amazing. I enjoyed the private lessons, so I already knew that there would be good materials prepared.

I like Ohlala French Coffee for the interaction with other students and the lessons learned along the way.

It is for me like a continuation of the habits I had developed before, and an additional motivation.


Manon is the best teacher ever!

I love her method, because she creates a perfect balance between grammatical explanations and oral interaction. The study material is always clear and useful, and the topics she chooses for our conversations are very interesting.

My French has improved a lot in a short time, and I also gained self-confidence. Not only is she an excellent teacher, but she is also a lovely person.

I'm quite shy, but she managed to put me at ease all the time!

I am very satisfied with her courses and I recommend them without hesitation :)

Je ne connais pas mon niveau en français.
Vous ne connaissez pas votre niveau de français ou vous n'êtes pas sûr de votre niveau ? Je vous propose d'effectuer un test pour définir votre niveau de français. Dans tous les cas, on en rediscutera lors de la première heure de cours offerte.
Est-ce que le paiement est sécurisé ?
Le paiement est sécurisé et réalisé par l’intermédiaire de la société Mollie. Le paiement pourra s’effectuer par plusieurs modes de paiement (dont Paypal). Les informations transmises sont chiffrées par un logiciel dans les règles de l’art et ne peuvent être lues au cours du transport sur le réseau.
Sur quelle plateforme de vidéoconférence les cours se passent ?
Les cours se dérouleront sur Skype ou bien sûr Zoom. Pas de souci si vous ne savez pas comment les utiliser, je vous aiderai à vous initier à ces outils numériques.
Y a-t-il une communauté d'étudiants avec laquelle je peux me connecter ?
Oui, je tiens vraiment à avoir une communauté avec mes étudiants afin que vous échangiez entre vous. C'est un groupe d'entre-aide et bienveillant auquel vous aurez accès quand je vous donnerai cours pour la première fois.
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