The comparative and the superlative in French :

The comparative in French :

The comparative in French is used to compare two elements (things, ideas or living beings) on their superiority, equality or inferiority. The comparison can be about a noun, a verb, an adverb or an adjective.

The comparative with a name :

The comparative with a name in French

⚠️  We do not use article after "plus de", "autant de" and "moins de":
Le carnaval de Nice a plus des chars que celui de QuĂ©bec. → Le carnaval de Nice a plus de chars que celui de QuĂ©bec

⚠️  We will make an elision in front of a word that begins with a vowel or a silent h :
Au carnaval de Guyane il y a moins de enfants qu’au carnaval de Binche. → Au carnaval de Guyane il y a moins d’enfants qu’au carnaval de Binche.


The comparative with a verb :

The comparative with a verb in French


The comparative with an adverb :

The comparative with a adverb in French

⚠️  The comparative of "bien" superiority is irregular.
"Mieux" is the comparative superiority of "bien".
Example : Les danseurs du carnaval de Nice dansent mieux que ceux du carnaval de Binche.
On the contrary we will say : “plus mal”.


The comparative with an adjective :

The comparative with a adjective in French

⚠️ The comparison of "bon" superiority is irregular.
"Meilleur" is the superiority comparison of "bon".

Example : Le carnaval de Guyane est meilleur que celui de Nice.
On the contrary we will say : “plus mauvais” or “pire”.



The superlatif :

The superlative makes it possible to present a characteristic at an extreme level (highest or lowest) in a distinct group (which may or may not be specified in the sentence).

The superlative with a name :

The superlative with a name in French


The superlative with a verb :

The superlative with a verb in French


The superlative with an adverb :

The superlative with a adverb in French


The superlative with an adjective :

The superlative with an adjective in French

⚠️  The tuning of the article will be done if the subject is feminine and / or plural: 
Example : La reine du carnaval est la plus apprĂ©ciĂ©e. Les rois du carnaval sont les plus grands.



Make a sentence using the comparative or the superlative, write it down as a comment!

See you soon for new adventures, in French of course! 🇫🇷