If you type on Google “How to learn French…”, the first word that comes to mind is “fast”. “How to learn French fast?”. But, is it possible? We're talking about it today!

I'm sure you've already searched a miracle solution to learn French quickly and easily. And, have you found that magic solution yet? I don't think so.

Before we begin, I would like to inform you that registrations for French group courses that I propose are open.

If you want learn French pleasantly and efficiently, I invite you to join the group classes I am offering which will start very soon, on Monday September 12, 2022.

These are 100% online courses where we work on all the skills: oral, written, reading and listening. It's general French, perfect if you live or want to live in France and want to express yourself more naturally and enjoy the French way of life.

This is a 3 month program where you will be in a small group with a dedicated teacher. If you would like more information about these group courses, you can click here: French group course.


Is it possible to learn French fast?

It depends!

I know you don't like that answer. But it's true! Learning French is not linear, it's not a straight line from the bottom to the top. It's more like a curve that goes up and down and back up.


1. TIME :

When you think about it: learn French fast.

Learning a language, you know, it's a long process. And you want to achieve a process that is long quickly. To do this, you will need to devote ALL your time to do it.

Let's imagine,

SITUATION A : For 2 months you dedicate 1 hour of French learning per day. That's 60 hours devoted to French.

SITUATION B : For 2 months you dedicate 10 hours of French learning per day. That's 600 hours devoted to French.

Of course, situation B will allow you to make faster progress in French. But, it is fast because you have devoted a great deal of time.

Do you understand? It's not that simple.

So, I feel like saying: yes, it is possible to learn French quickly. IF you dedicate a lot of time.

The first step to learning French is to have lots of time.



It's good to have time, but it's not everything. For learn French fast, you need to be STRATEGIC.

If you spend 10 hours a day learning French, but you do it in a non-strategic way... it's useless!

How to be strategic? And I'm going to answer you again "It depends".

It depends mainly on your goals.

If your goal is to find a job in France, your strategy should focus on achieving that goal.

For example: your goal is to be able to travel in France and therefore know how to get by in French.

When you travel, you have to be able to handle many situations:

  • At the hotel :
    • know how to book a room
      • specific vocabulary (contact information, hotel vocabulary)
      • specific grammar (polite conditional, present and future tense, etc.)
    • know how to ask for information
    • etc
  • At the restaurant:
    • know how to book a table
      • specific vocabulary
        specific grammar
    • understand the menu
    • know how to order
  • In public transport

  • In a tourist place

  • Knowing the culture and cultural codes of the country

  • etc

Actually, to be strategic, you must make a list of all the things, of everything you need to know to achieve your goal. I invite you to do this in the form of a mind map to make it more visual.

It may take a little time to do this, but it will help you be strategic, optimize your time and progress more quickly in French.



One fundamental thing is missing for learn French fast, is practice!

Theory is good, but not without practice.

I think it's important to try to have a balance between all types of practice: speaking, listening, reading and writing. But, again, it depends on your goal.

If your goal is to travel to France, writing is not the most important thing. BUT, that doesn't mean you should neglect it.

If your goal is to travel in France, I would say that you should spend 70% of your time listening, 25% speaking and 5% reading and writing.

On the other hand, if your goal is to study in France, then we're talking about 25% for each skill.

The practice is really the key to learning. Theory is very important too, but useless without practice. Practice helps you to assimilate grammar and vocabulary, to test your French, to check what you know or don't know and to really immerse yourself in the French language.

In summary, to learn French FAST, you need :

  • A lot of time, a lot.
  • Be strategic
  • Practice

This is my personal opinion, but I don't think you should start learning any language with this notion of "fast".

Learning a language is an infinite journey, you have to savor it, take your time, listen to yourself, enjoy yourself.

And to have this idea of learning "quickly", I find that it puts a pressure and a frustration that can spoil the learning. 

See you soon for more adventures, in French of course! 🇫🇷