What is the opposition?

Opposition is the expression of two ideas that are opposite in the same sentence. The ideas expressed by the opposition are different and opposite.

For example : Ma sœur est blonde alors que moi je suis brune.

Being blonde is different from being brunette, these two ideas are then different, contradictory


When we use the opposition, our sentences will be more complex, i.e. we will have this type of sentence :

Sujet + verbe + complément ou adjectif + connecteur d’opposition + sujet + verbe + complément ou adjectif.

To express opposition, we are going to use opposition connectors, which I will introduce to you.



But is the oppositional connector that is certainly used the most.

For example : En août, c'est l'été en France, mais en Australie, c'est l'hiver.

We have our first idea: En août, c'est l'été en France

We place our opposition connector “mais” 

And we have our second idea opposite to the first: en Australie, c'est l'hiver.

The "mais" connector is often preceded by a comma.


Alors que

For example : J’ai eu 20/20 en maths alors que mon frère a eu 0/20.

We have our first idea:  J’ai eu 20/20 en maths

The "alors que" connector that comes right after my first idea.

And we have our second idea opposite to the first:  mon frère a eu 0/20.


Tandis que

For example : Il est à Londres tandis que je suis à Bangkok.

We have our first idea:  Il est à Londres

The "tandis que" connector that comes right after my first idea.

And we have our second idea opposite to the first:  je suis à Bangkok.


En revanche (formal)

"En revanche" is a formal oppositional connector, it will be used more in writing or in a formal communication situation.

For example : Je n’aime pas le café, en revanche, j’adore le thé.

We have our first idea:  Je n’aime pas le café

The "En revanche" connector which is placed just after my first idea, I put it here between two commas.

And we have our second idea opposite to the first:  j’adore le thé.


Par contre (familiar)

"Par contre" is an oppositional connector that will be more familiar to him, that we will use more orally.

For example : Je serai là jeudi, par contre je ne pourrai pas venir dimanche.

We have our first idea:  Je serai là jeudi

The "Par contre" connector that goes right after my first idea, and I put a comma right before it.

And we have our second idea opposite to the first:  je ne pourrai pas venir dimanche.


Au contraire

For example : Je n’étais pas triste, au contraire, j’étais heureuse.

We have our first idea:  Je n’étais pas triste

The "au contraire connector which is placed just after my first idea, and which I put between two commas.

And we have our second idea opposite to the first: j’étais heureuse.


Au lieu de

"Au lieu de", unlike the other connectors we have just seen, will be constructed differently.

"Au lieu de" will always be followed by a verb in the infinitive or a noun.

For example :

  • With a name : Tu peux prendre ton gilet rouge au lieu de ton gilet vert.

We have our first idea: Tu peux prendre ton gilet rouge

The "Au lieu de" connector that comes right after my first idea

And we have our second idea opposite to the first:  ton gilet vert.


  • With a verb in the infinitive : Range ta chambre au lieu de regarder la télé.

We have our first idea:  Range ta chambre

The "Au lieu de" connector that comes right after my first idea

And we have our second idea opposite to the first: regarder la télé.


Contrairement à

"Contrairement à" is also constructed differently. We will always have a noun or a tonic pronoun like "moi", "toi", "lui", etc. after this connector. I can place this connector at the beginning of a sentence or at the end of a sentence.

For example :

  • With a tonic pronoun: Contrairement à toi, j’aime bien ce film.

We have our connector: Contrairement à

The tonic pronoun : toi

And we have our idea opposite to the thought of the person we target with the tonic pronoun: j’aime bien ce film


  • With a name : J’ai déjà lu ce livre contrairement à ta sœur.

We have our idea : J’ai déjà lu ce livre 

We have our connector: Contrairement à

And the name = ta sœur

We do not have a second idea with this connector, because it is implied by the connector : J’ai lu ce livre, mais pas ta sœur donc contrairement à ta sœur.

It's your turn! Express the opposition in a sentence, write it in the comments!

I'll see you soon for new adventures, in French of course! 🇫🇷