Dans cet article, tu vas :

  • 🔍 Discover or rediscover the imperative
  • 🧠 Understand its construction
  • ✍️ Understand its use
  • 🗣 Know how to use the imperative

Cet article t'aidera à répondre aux questions suivantes :

  • What is the imperative?
  • How is the imperative constructed?
  • How to use the imperative?


 Construction of the impératif tense : 

Imperative verbs are only constructed with three subjects: TU - NOUS - VOUS

L'impératif en français

⚠️ First-group imperative verbs lose their "S":

Tu manges —> Mange

And also “Aller” :
Tu vas —> Va


And “Ouvrir”, “Offrir”, “Souffrir”, “Couvrir” et “Cueillir” :






⚠️  ⚠️  Trois verbes ont une forme irrégulière à l’impératif :

Être : Sois - Soyons - Soyez

Avoir : Aie - Ayons - Ayez

Savoir : Sache - Sachons - Sachez



 Use of the impératif tense : 


Expressing an order in French:

The imperative is most often used to give orders:

Range ta chambre ! (=Clean up your room!)

Viens ici ! (Come here)

Attends ! (Wait!)

⚠️  Giving orders can sometimes be rude. Be careful about the context and how you phrase your order.


Expressing advice in French:

The imperative can also be used to give advice.

Sois prudent ! (Be careful!)

Faites attention ! (Be careful!)

N’oublie pas tes clés ! (Don't forget your keys!)

⚠️  Sometimes, the distinction between advice and order is hard to make (especially in writing). The tone of voice and the context will help you tell whether you're being given an order or advice.