In this article, you will:

  • discover all the sounds in French
  • the consonants in French
  • the vowels in French
  • the nasal vowels in French


This article will help you answer the following questions:

  • How to learn all the sounds in French?
  • How to master the sounds in French?
  • How to improve your pronunciation in French?


The consonants in French:


The sound /b/ which is represented by the letter (b) at the beginning of a word as in "bateau" or in the middle of a word as in "abeille".


The sound /d/ represented by the letter (d) at the beginning of a word as in "domino" or in the middle of a word as in "addition".


The sound /f/ represented by the letter (f) as in "fleur" or by (ph) as in "téléphone".


The sound /g/ represented by the letter (g) at the beginning of a word as in "gĂąteau".


The sound /k/ represented by the letters (c, k, qu) as in "clé", "kilo", "aquarium".


The sound /l/ represented by the letter (l) at the beginning of a word as in "lion" or at the end of a word as in "sol".


The sound /m/ represented by the letter (m) at the beginning of a word as in "maison" or in the middle of a word as in "femme".


The sound /n/ represented by the letter (n) at the beginning of a word as in "neige" or in the middle of a word as in "tonnerre".


The sound /ÉČ/ represented by the combination of letters (gn) as in “gnou” or in "oignon".


The sound /p/ represented by the letter (p) at the beginning of a word as in "pomme" or in the middle of a word as in "groupe".


The sound /ʁ/ represented by the letter (r) at the beginning of a word as in "rouge" or in the middle of a word as in "carrĂ©".


The sound /s/ represented by the letters (s, ss) as in "soleil", "poisson", or by the letters (sc) as in "scie" or by the c cĂ©dille (ç) as in “ça”. But also in the combination of letters (ti) in certain words as in “attention”


The sound /ʃ/ represented by the combination (ch) as in "chapeau" or by the combination of letters (sh) as in "shampooing"


The sound /t/ represented by the letter (t) at the beginning of a word as in "table" or in the middle of a word as in “chĂąteau”.


The sound /v/ represented by the letter (v) at the beginning of a word as in "voiture" or (w) as in "wagon".


The sound /z/ represented by the letter (z) at the beginning of a word as in "zĂšbre" or by (s) in the middle of a word as in "rose".


The sound /ʒ/ represented by the letter (j) at the beginning of a word as in "journal" or by the letter (g) before an (i), an (e) or a (y) as in "genou”, “girafe” or “gyrophare”


The sound /j/ represented by the letter (y) as in “payer”, this sound can also be represented by the combination of letters (ille) as in the words “famille” or “fille”.


The sound /w/ represented by the combination (w) as in "kiwi" or by the combination of letters (oui) as in “pingouin”.



The vowels in French:


The sound /a/ is represented by the letter (a) as in "chat" or "patte".


The sound /ɑ/ is represented by the letter (ñ) as in "pñte".

The sound /ɑ/ is a bit longer and more open than the previous sound /a/.

Patte /a/

Pñte /ɑ/


The sound /e/ is represented by the letters (é, er, ez) as in "été", "parler", "nez", or by (es) as in "les".


The sound /ɛ/ is represented by the letters (Ăš, ĂȘ, ai, ei) as in "fĂȘte", "prĂšs", "reine", “faire”.


The sound /i/ is represented by the letters (i, Ăź, y) as in "Ăźle", "fil" or “idylle”.


The sound /o/ is represented by the letters (eau, au, o) as in "eau", "auberge", "dos".


The sound /ɔ/ is represented by (o) as in “or”, “pomme”, “bestiole”. It's here an (o) more open than the previous (o).


The sound /u/ is represented by (ou) as in "outil" or represented by two (oo) as in the English word “cool”.


The sound /y/ is represented by (u) as in "lune" or in “urgent”.


The sound /Ăž/ is represented by (eu) as in “jeu” or “peu” or by the letters (Ɠu) as in “vƓu”


The sound /Ɠ/ is represented by (eu, Ɠ, Ɠu,ue) as in “peur”, "sƓur", "cƓur", “cueillir*”,* “neuf”.


The sound /ə/ is represented by the letter (e) without accent as in "le", "je" or exceptionally by the letters (on) as in “monsieur”.


The nasal vowels in French:


The sound /ɛ̃/ is represented by (in, im, ain, aim, ein, eim, en, un, yn or ym) as in "pain", "daim", "plein", “thym”, “rein”, “citoyen”, “impossible”.


The sound /ɑ̃/ is represented by (an, am, en, em) as in "champ", "ample", "empreinte", “enfant”.


The sound /ɔ̃/ is represented by (on, om) as in "nom", "ombre".